Take a look at this festive safety announcement from the Fire Kills campaign...
The point it makes is clear - ensure your lights are never switched on unattended. The same goes for candles and open fires - festive and cheery but huge potential fire risks.
You should also ensure that your lights are fire-tested (there will be a mark on the box), that any artificial trees are flame-retardant (again, the box will state clearly), and that a real tree is fresh and well-watered (don't let it dry out, and dispose of it as soon as it starts dropping lots of needles). Also be careful with cards and paper decorations - ensure these are well away from any fire risks such as heaters, candles, open fires and Christmas lights (those bulbs get hot!).
Security is also a risk. With so many expensive gifts lying in such an obvious place under the tree, thieves often use Christmas Eve to target homes. Don't advertise if you are going away for Christmas (on social media, for example), and ensure windows are shut tight (don't feed cables to outdoor lights through an open window - this a weakness that burglars look for through December). Close curtains - we know your decorated home is beautiful but it will help deter potential criminals. Also when Christmas is over and the gifts are opened, be careful when disposing of the packaging. Don't leave boxes for expensive new appliances on the kerbside, as it advertises your new possessions to passers by.
You can also secure your house with a security system. Fire alarms, intruder alarms, CCTV and security lighting can help give you peace of mind at all times of year - contact Western Security for more details.