Everyone knows to keep their bank details safe, but the last
few years rise in internet and phone banking are making this more difficult.
Many of us know of the scams where you receive a fake email
or phone call from your bank, asking you to ‘confirm your identity’ by pumping
in lots of details. Of course, it goes without saying that if your bank is
contacting you they should prove who they are before asking you to prove your
However, the newest threat to the privacy of our bank
details are fraudulent mobile apps across both Apple’s app store, and Android’s
Google Play. Appearing to be official mobile banking apps, the apps seize your
details when you enter them, allowing the creator of the app to use or sell the
valuable private information.
However, the problem of fraudulent apps is even more rife
outside of the official app stores – third-party shopfronts such as Cydia contain
official apps that have been hacked and altered in ways to infect your device
with viruses and malware as well as capture details.
Always make sure that any mobile app you download is from a
reputable source, particularly if it asks for personal details.